The Warlord's Revenge
Sam Knows Martial Arts And Is A Judan
Not wasting any time, Xiander promptly summons his force stone, and checks Sam’s vital energy. On finding out, he asks Sam how is it possible his vital energy is so powerful. Continuing he says, in the angel world Sam would be a level 10 fighter.
rVonruil was already confused on seeing Xiander using his force stone, and now he is saying Sam’s vital energy is strong as well. So, Vonruil says, “Sam, humans don't tend to have energies higher than two levels. Then, how come you have such a high level?”
rReplying, Xiander says, “Vonruil, Sam’s five elements are already awoken, how I don’t know.”
rLooking at his hands, Sam says, “Wow! I didn’t know it was so powerful. Actually, my grandfather belonged to a warrior bloodline.
rBut, as time progressed, warriors became a thing of the past, But, my grandfather wanted me to keep the legacy alive by learning martial arts.”
rSurprised Xiander says, “Sam, which level are you at? Though I think I already know the answer.”
rReplying, Sam says, “I’m a Judan. And, five elements are awoken. I was on the sixth, then the war broke out.”
r“Hey, how come we didn’t know about your martial art stuff?” Morris asks in a hurt tone.
rRecalling the times, Peter says, “Figures, why you always manage to help us from hooligans.”
rTaking a sigh, Sam says, “Actually, the war has taken a lot from us. Before I met them, I had given up hope to live. But, with them, everything changed.”
r“Sam, can you tell me about your family, that’s if you don’t mind.” Vonruil asks in a hesitant tone.
rTaking a sigh, Sam says, he was five years old, when his grandfather came to his home for the first time. That’s when he found out his grandparents had divorced, and his grandmother took his father, and never met him again. He says, it was when his grandmother passed away, that his grandfather came to meet them for the first time. From his grandfather, they found out he swore he would never see her. So, when he found out she passed away, he came back. Sam said, since then his grandfather has been training him. And, he has already awoken five elements. Sadly, when the war broke out, all able men were called in, His grandfather joined the forces as well.
rOn the twenty-fifth day, they heard, he got killed by Xania’s men. Then the Ice Sheet formation took place and separated so many families. Sam says, the rest everyone knows.
rVonruil gets angry, and says, “I can’t believe how they became my allies? What did the king see in them?”
r“Vonruil, they are Gods, of course as angels, we are to believe them.” Xiander says stating his point.
rTrying to change the topic, Xiander says, “Xane, your energy is worrying me. You won’t be able to get the stones.”
r“Xiander, don’t worry, I’m sure Xane will improve and collect the stones as well. Actually, an idea just came to my mind.
rWhy don’t I teach him martial arts first, maybe that way he might be able to learn sooner.” Sam says, suggesting to Xiander.
r“Sam, our fighting, and martial arts are no different. Why do you think this will help?” Xiander asks in a confused tone.
rLooking at Xiander, Sam says “Well, you see the reason my grandfather taught me martial arts was cause I had an accident when I was young and cause of that my legs were weak.
rAt times I found it hard to just stand. So, my grandfather began to rehabilitate me, and then to make me stronger, he began to train me. On improving, he took a step ahead and taught me to control my natural elements.”
rLooking at his hands, Sam says, “My condition is also the reason I wanted to be a doctor cause, my parents could not afford the doctor’s fee.
rI wanted to make a hospital where you could get free treatment if you can’t afford it. (Cheering up again) So, I think Xane will also learn sooner, rest he is…”
r“Okay, do as you think. Then you first begin with Xane, and I’ll see the progress then according to that I’ll begin. This will also let me know what else I can teach you.”
rMorris leans on the table, and asks excitedly, “Sam, which belt do you have?
r“Which belt, what does that mean?” Xiander asks in a curious tone.
rExplaining Sam says, “Oh, I have a black belt in martial arts. I learnt Karate, and Kung Fu. Ah, the belt means I’m a master of all fighting skills of both art forms.”
rSmiling Xiander says “Well, we don’t have belts in our fights but levels. My level is nine, Vonruil is twenty, and Xane is zero.”
rXiander gestures to Sam to begin.
rSo Sam calls Xane and says “Xane, can you please show me what you know.”
rSmiling, Xane nods and shows his abilities. Smiling Sam says “Ok, according to the human world you’re at white belt level. Your confidence level is better though. Why are you not leveling up?”
r“That, (Coming over Xane whispers in Sam’s ears) I think Xiander doesn't want me to level up cause he’s afraid I’ll hurt myself.”
rSmiling Sam says “I don’t think so, or else he would not have told me to train you…”
r“You don’t get it do you?” Xane says in a lost tone “He always finds faults with me. If he doesn’t approve, how can I level up?”
r“Well, you do have a point there, but I don’t think Xiander is like that. Anyways, now that I’m teaching you, let’s see.”
rSmiling, Xane says “Yeah, so what do I do?”
r“Well, to begin with, I’ll show you the basics of Karate. The four main Kihon: Stance or Tachikate, Punches or Suki, Blocks or Uki, and Kicks or Geri.” Sam takes his position, and says, “I’ll show you one by one.”
rAs Xane practices the moves, Sam keeps correcting him.
rIn the middle Sam tells him where to improve and what he’s doing wrong and what he should do.
rSeeing this Xiander feels happy. For the first time he’s seen Xane being comfortable with someone else then him and Vonruil. But what’s more pleasing with Sam is, now it looks like he can leave Xane without worrying.
rBack at Artmitis, he couldn’t leave Xane as he was only comfortable with Vonruil, but he was the duke. Apart from this, Xinader also notices Sam doesn’t need any training. So, Xiander needs to place his focus on how to awaken Sam’s elements.
rBut, this thought makes Xiander worry as well. Because for that, they will have to train in the open. As he was thinking, Xane collapses on the ground, and says, “Enough, Sam I can’t take any more.”
rSam sits beside Xane, and wipes his sweat with a cloth, and says, “Xane, you need to build your stamina, it’s too weak. We haven’t done anything yet, and you’re already panting so heavy.”
r“My stamina, what tools do I need to build it?” Xane says, making a cute face “I’ll do as told.”
rSam ruffles Xane’s hair and says, “Gosh, at times I feel like I’m speaking to martians.”
r“Martians? Who are they and how come I sound like them?” Xane asks in a confused tone.
rListening to Xane’s sentence Sam couldn’t understand why he said that word in the first place.
r“Xane, it’s a figure of speech, they don’t exist, well theoretically cause angels and devils also didn’t exist till vonruil, and Rivall came in front so…anyways you do need a little improvement in some steps, that I’ll guide you, rest I think in a month you should level up if you do as I say…”
rBefore Sam could complete his sentence Xane jumps up and says “Level up! Really? Did you hear that Xiander, I’ll level up…”
rSam intervenes and says “Hey, wait, level up in the human world, I don’t know about your angel world.”
rSeeing Xane’s face losing its glow, Xiander smiles and says, “Xane, don’t worry, Sam’s levels, and ours is the same. I promise as soon as we go back, I’ll get you officially leveled up. Then you can join the next astronomical rain.”
r“REALLY!” Xane says in a happy tone.
rThen Xiander says “Sam, from what I saw you don’t need any training regarding your fighting skills. Yes, there are some tactics that you might not know of, those I’ll teach you, rest about the natural elements, for that we’ll have to go outside as I don’t know how much control you have on them…”
r“Control on them?” Sam says worried “Well, ever since grandpa passed away, I stopped practicing. I’m amazed I was able to teach Xane so much.
rJust then, Xiander flicks his fingers and a cloud begins to swirl over them and little water droplets begin to fall. Then Xiander flicks three times and it begins to drizzle. He again flicks and it stops. Then he clenches his fist and his fist burns up and then as he opens his fist, fire is burning on top of his hand. Wherever he moves his other hand on top, the flame follows.
r“Can you control them like this?” Xiander looks at Sam with intriguing eyes,
r“What? Who do you think I am? Look Xiander you’re an angel, so I presume it’s normal, but I’m a human and humans can not…” Sam says waving his hands in the air.
rCutting Sam’s sentence midway Xiander says “How can you say that unless you try it? And, who told you just cause we are angels we can do this and humans can’t?”
r“Well, well….it’s…well…” Sam tries to make his point, but fails.
rSmiling, Xiander says “You can’t justify what you said, so this means you will listen to me, OK.”
r“Well, I was going to listen to you even if you don’t say. After all, we have promised our brother to support him.” Sam says in a convincing tone.
r“Sam, you boys don’t have to be so serious about helping Vonruil.” Xiander says, in a convincing tone,
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